Saturday, May 22, 2010

The bond...

Ok... I am taking a breather from the recap and filling you all in on the present day. My sister is in town this weekend! Back from Cal-Poly to hang out with her family and close friends who just got home from their colleges (who are on the semester system). What blows my mind is the fact that somethings never change. Some bonds cant be broken... like the bond of my sister and her 8 closest friends... They have been best friends since the 6th grade. They all sat around thursday night ate chips and guacamole and told war storied from their freshman year. Looking at all of them, I might as well have been looking at a pack of 12 year olds. While the stories have changed, the way that they all interact with each other is exactly the same. They still get excited over runs to dutch brothers for hot chocolate, anticipate the day my parents open the pool, and still laugh at the same jokes. While I am still close with a handful of friends from middle school, I look at the 8 of them and marvel at how close they have stayed through everything. It is one thing to stay this close with 2 or maybe 3 of your friends from that far back... but all 8 of them have remained unbelievably close is pretty remarkable. The funniest part is that I don't think any of them realize how special it actually is, its normal to them... They love each other so much that not being friends isn't something I think they would ever even conceptualize. They just know that whatever happens... the end result will be the same... Prom their senior year... note the hair...
Their 8th grade pictures... note the braces...

Next up on the blog! Continuing the trip down the past 4 months with my trip to NYC in February! Stay tuned...

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