Bliss Challenge

The Count Your Blessings Challenge!!!

Here are the Rules:

For 14 days put what you are thankful for each day. Granted I get that schedules are busy and its hard to blog every day... so if a few days go by and you have to put up three in one post (aka saturday i was thankful for this... Sunday I was thankful for that) no big deal! It just has to be one thing you are thankful for per day. You can also tack on what you are thankful for to the end of another post. You can write a novel about every single thing that has happened to you and you can tack on "today i was thankful for this..." etc.

When you complete the challenge let me know and I will add you to the list of bloggers who have done it!

Happy Blogging!!!

Here is the award to all of you who completed the challenge!!!!

Well done! :) 

Bloggers who have completed this challenge

If I have missed anyone PLEASE let me know so I can add you!!